Friday, 11 October 2013

Hannah's Finale

This surreal reflective bit was so effective, because it added a new perspective to the play. The idea of Hannah walking down the middle to these lines and communications was so clever and so well done, it could have been awfully tacky, but it hit the spot just right and was one of the most outstanding pieces of direction I had very seen. As actors know audiences have a linear experience of a play, they see the play in the time given and they cannot rewind or be given a chance to think about what they are seeing. This coupled with the fact that it is scientifically proven that audiences fall ‘asleep’ every six minutes, can make it virtually impossible for a director to ensure that the audience understand the play and all its milestones. A play is milestones with added filler and tension builder. I know an Operatic director who took two famous Grand Operas and cut out all the filler leaving the milestones and put them both on in one night and even seasoned opera-goers could not tell him what he had edited out. Tim’s method is the most effective way I have ever seen to get around audiences lack of milestone understanding and I will be sure to use this technique when I next direct something.

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